WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Tomintoul Ti Tomintoul is situated within the Crown Estate’s Glenlivet Estate and most land in the area is under the Crown Estate’s stewardship.[RED It is an aspiration of the Crown Estate to develop Tomintoul into a larger and more sustainable community with improved facilities and housing provision. To take this forward the Crown Estate intend to complete a masterplan for the village, in consultation with the community and key stakeholders, and the National Park Authority is supportive of this approach to planned medium and long term growth. RED] Proposals T/H1, H2, H3, H4: Four housing land sites that provide land for around 40 dwellings in total. It is expected that these will provide land for Tomintoul’s needs during the lifetime of the Local Plan [RED in line with table 4, and for future growth and expansion. During the period 2006-2011, 12 dwellings would therefore be expected. RED] T/ED1: This site will be retained for economic development purposes, and has potential to be developed as a camping site or tourist facility, with existing tree planting retained to ensure adequate screening. [RED T/ED2 and ED3: This land is partially developed for economic development purposes, and provides a certain amount of space for expansion and growth during the plan period. Commercial development will be appropriate on ED2 and tourist development appropriate on ED3. RED] [BLUE Both sites will require the inclusion of landscaping to minimise the visual impact of any development. BLUE] [RED T/ED4: The site, already in economic development use should be retained as an important contributor to the village. Proposals for appropriate expansion of the business and enhancement of the site will be supported. RED] T/C1: The old school and its grounds will be reserved for the development of community facilities. [RED T/Env: A number of open spaces within Tomintoul are identified as contributing to the setting of the village and will be protected from adverse development. RED] Image: Map of Tomintoul (Not available in full text format - please refer to PDF file) (c) Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Cairngorms National Park Authority 100040965 2008 (c)SNH Legend Cairngorms National Park Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Special Area of Conservation Ramsar Convention Site National Nature Reserve Gardens & Designed Landscapes National Scenic Area Conservation Area Settlement Boundary Indicative Settlement Boundary Settlement Zone Type Community Economic Development Housing Environment Village Centre